Worship at 8 & 10 a.m.
No Sunday School until January
In Person:
8 & 10 a.m. at St. Luke’s, 1072 21st Ave. Columbus Nebraska
On the Radio:
On KTLX 91.3 FM (if you are within 3 miles of Columbus)
Thank you, Trinity Lutheran Church, for providing us with this opportunity.
Online(Live and Recorded):
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and it is available to watch throughout the week.
We’re glad you could make it today. Please take a moment to sign our online guestbook so that we can get an idea of how things are (or are not) working on your end to improve our live streaming experience.
Blessings, Pastor Adam
With gratitude for our whole selves, created in your image and made new in Christ, we pray for the community, the state, our nation, the church, the world, and all who are unnamed and are in need.
(A time for silence and personal prayer is kept)
We place in your loving arms these, our prayers, spoken and unspoken, trusting in your boundless mercy, though Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
This week we lift our hearts up in prayer for:
Michael, Jeanette, the family of Joyce Debower and the family of Nathan Johnson, Alex, Zane & Herb.
A new year will soon be here.
Sign up for 2025 doorkeeping,
lectoring and coffee serving, too!!
Sign-up sheets are at the bottom of the ramp.
Happy Birthday:
We rejoice with friends and family celebrating Birthdays this week:
Dec. 22—Holly Recek
25—Tammy Dreifurst
27—Mike Lieberman
27—Emilie Prien
27—Ron Schroeder
28—Kathy Oppliger
We rejoice with friends and family celebrating Anniversaries this week:
CThose serving in worship this week.
8 a.m.: Mindi Struebing
10:00 a.m.: Stephanie Luchsinger
Fellowship Hour Servers:
Carol & Ron Witte
Those serving us in the month of December.
Doorkeeper: Kevin Johnson
If someone could cover Door Keeping on December 29th, that would be appreciated. Call the office at 402-564-8862
Gary Luchsinger, Cabe & Ross DeBower
Thank you to Enola Luchsinger for sponsoring our bulletin today. She wishes everyone a blessed Christmas.
Pick up your 2025 offering envelopes today in the Fellowship Hall.
Dec. 24—Christmas Eve Worship:
6 p.m. at St. Luke’s with Communion
10 p.m. at Gruetli with Communion
Wednesday night Confirmation class at 6:30 p.m.
Save your Super Saver Receipts for St. Luke’s Rainbow Preschool.
There is a box on the round table in the Fellowship Hall.
Thank you!